Here are my case studies for my fiml posters final draft of all three pieces:
In this poster you can see the main characters on the top of the cover,
the girl in the middle her image being the biggest implying that she is the
most important and is the main person in the film. Also the way the characters
are laid out indicates that these people behind her are her friends/followers
and she’s in charge. Also the cover has a contrast of black and white showing
the good in the white and the bad in the black background. From the film poster
you could also say that the film may start of being good and it’s portraying an
ordinary, typical teenager life however as the film goes on it starts to go bad
and dark. The lighting has been purposely done like this to show this. The shot
for the top half of the poster is a medium shot of all the characters and you can
see they all look fine and in power. Whereas the images below are all close ups
this is quite powerful because the audience can instantly see the emotions of
the characters in these images are much different to the one on top. I think
the characters used in this are very typical of what you would see in a high
school. You have the leader of the pack (the girl in the middle)and then the
people/followers that surround her Also all the characters have that messy cool
look with the way they wear their uniform, showing that they are rebellious. I
think this was done because then it links with the targeted audience. By
portraying the characters like this they are communicating with the audience
and giving them something to relate to. The body language compared to the image
on top highlights the difference between the two. One shows them looking cool
and the other showing teenagers as zombies and out of control. I think that the
image on top has been to some extent airbrushed. I say this because it’s to
indicate that there is nothing wrong with them they are normal, like all the
other teenagers. However the images below them aren’t airbrushed. I say this
because first of all they are both stilled images from the film so to some
extent you don’t really want to change it, so it looks different when people
watch it. And secondly because in these images they’re all zombies there really
is no need for the airbrush. They’re supposed to look ugly and messed up
because of what they are portraying. The representation of them from the
film poster indicates that this is a teen horror, however due to the writing of
the word “eat” in the title; it looks immature and childish indicating to the
audience that there is a sense of humour in this film. Even with the images of the zombie teens at
the bottom of the poster it screams out cliché, and reminds me of the horror
comedy “Shaun of the Dead”. The text placement on this poster is quite straight
forward. However I think the way the title has been put in the middle as if
cutting in between the good and bad as if trying to separate the two things,
gives it a good edge. It emphasises the whole Good and Bad theme. So in a way I
do think that this is quite conventional because, the whole layout of
everything on the poster works well, and is clear to see. Also with the tagline
“school’s out…and so are the zombies” also links with the whole poster layout.
I say this because it says school is out, and it see the school kids above at
the very top, then it says and so are the zombies and you see all the zombie
teens at the bottom. The layout of this
film poster is nicely done and gives me good ideas on how subvert this into my
own film poster.
In this poster, it’s an establishing shot
so everything is in focus and clear to see. The image of the sheep on top of
the looks larger, making the sheep seems more powerful than the small inferior
people huddled up in the car. This indicates that yes the characters (the
people in the car) are the main characters, but the sheep on top of the car is
the most important one in this film. Or on whole that the sheep in general are
important. Also the body language of the sheep on top of the car is portrayed
as wolf with the big moon behind and its posture as if it is howling to the
moon, and with its “pack” of sheep surrounding the humans, also seems more
convincing that it is portraying a wolf. The body language of the people in the
car, due to the way it’s been shot makes them look small and weak, compared to
the sheep. I see this as quite ironic because, usually it humans that look
stronger and powerful, especially when animals are involved. Humans are
considered to be at the top of the food change however here you can evidently
see that, it’s not applied in this situation in the film poster. The overall representation
of this film poster is that the sheep are on top literally. The title Black
Sheep is in my opinion ironic because the sheep are white not black. The word
“black” could imply that, not the actual sheep is black but because they are
black on the inside, they are pure evil, maybe which is why they are called
Black Sheep. The layout of everything on the poster is very central, nothing
special about it; it’s a layered one after the other. Also the colour used in
this and the way it is portrayed is quite interesting. The way the dark night
is spread across the sky and there is only a little bit of light left. It
indicates that the darkness is spreading.
this poster it’s an establishing shot, you can see all the characters and the
background setting which looks like inside a house. When you look at the image
on the poster all the characters are pale this could imply that they all dead.
The way the colour balance of the characters is very eye catching because they
skin colour has been bleached out but their hair and clothes colour has been
intensified. This to me is seen as weird because only Johnny Depp and the woman
in the red dress are dead/vampires. However all the characters could have been
bleached out to show that with the dead people around their giving off a “dead”
atmosphere therefore the characters look like them as well. Also with Johnny
Depp right in the middle of everyone as if dividing them apart makes you think
maybe he will cause something in the movie that divided these people apart.
Also with him in the middle suggests to the audience that he is the main
character in the film and with his dark clothes it makes him stand out of all
the other characters in the image whose clothes are a little brighter. The body
language of all the characters in this look quite confident or proud in some
characters it looks like they are both proud and confident. This could be seen
as unusual because you’d think that some of the characters would look nervous,
or scared because they have a dead/vampire person walking about. Instead they
all sit/stand there as if nothing is going on. The lighting of the poster
compliments the title Dark Shadows. It’s quite dark with little light which are
coming from the clothes of the characters. The representation of the theme
comes across as maybe a little bit of horror but more comedy than scary
elements. This piece fits in perfectly with our piece as our short film
consists of more comedy those scary elements. The combination of the image and
the text on the poster is clearly laid out, they have the main characters name
under his image this also shows he is the most important person in the film.
Then comes the title and then the promotional status. This layout is very good
and as a group we could try and incorporate this in our film poster
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